If you haven't read Nikki Sixx's Heroin Diaries, check it out.
If you haven't listened to the Sixx A.M. Heroin Diaries Soundtrack, get it. I consider it one of the greatest albums ever. Best if listened to at Christmas time.
Fun tales of Nikki Sixx's addiction to Heroin and the crazy lifestyle (and deathstyle) that resulted.
But enough about Nikki.
That's just a transition to me and my Juneathon.
Completed my first Juneathon workout today!
25 min bike for about 6 miles.
1.5 mile brick run at about 8min/mi pace.
And I did all of that Drug Free!
Yes. After 1 year of self-indulgent rat poisoning, I am temporarily off of the Coumadin anticoagulant for about 1 month.
I have a few things to say about my Coumadin experience so far. But I'll save them for later.
For now, I am hoping that a little cut like this:
I'm hoping that a cut like this no longer takes 2 hours to stop bleeding.
During the month of June, I will be taking Baby Aspirin:
The kids think that is just so funny.
I agree.
At the end of the month, I'll get some more exciting blood tests which should once and for all determine whether I have a blood clotting disorder.
Until then, I'm gonna beat the hell out of my body, primarily through Juneathon endeavors, and savor every glimpse of healing that I've been missing over the past year.
But fear not. Juneathon will only be a slice of my day.
I still have all of those Daddy, Hubby, etc. roles to help make my days great.
For example, I need to order 10 copies of this baby robin, which we stumbled upon tonight, for HoneyBunny to distribute to friends and classmates.
It's going to be a long month!
So... tonight would be prime time to go for a road run, trip (OK, dive) for a nice gravel rash & test your new quick-clot capabilities! Am I right? Good luck with that ;-)
Yeah, I have Juneathon time mgt. issues. And like you, I am incapable of keeping any one blogpost on any one theme. WTF. We are both too diverse :-)
Hey, I take "baby" asprin, they're delicious!
I have a healing problem due to diabetes
Neosporin really helps and not the bobo brand either, gotta get the real stuff (don't ask me but I've tried both and there's a big difference)
Obviously, after the bleeding has stopped.
I didn't know they still make baby aspirin.
And we have baby robins at our house. There are three, so that would get you closer to your quota. However their mommy is a little protective and likes to dive at your head when you get too close =)
That book was amazing.
I think you are pretty amazing too!
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